After graduation, Say went back to Japan, vowing never to return to America, but after a year in a much changed Japan, he returned and worked as an apprentice to a sign painter. In later life, he was the mayor of Fresno, California. Walter Lorraine, an editor at Houghton Mifflin Company, can be credited with bringing Say back to the career that would eventually become his life's work. Don’t even get started on grammar mistakes. HE chosed President Trump for a purpose. Flashback: One day after Osama bin Laden was killed, @JoeBiden publicly outed the Navy Seals, 90+ days later the Taliban shot down a U.S. helicopter killing 15 Seal Team 6 warriors and 23 others Watch > TDS needs attention fool, when I first heard about the fate of Seal team 6, I knew immediately that it was a hit job by our own government. Meantime, this stuff was obvious to meat thd time, that not only the Biden leak about who did the “Osama bin Laden killing”, but that those guys were set upp to die, surely to cover up secrets. (and for you proofreading fairies… there are no unintended typos). TM ® & © 2016 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mr. Woods did offer to take all of the documents to President Trump, and if that happens and they report on it, I will bring it to you. In addition to exploring his own life and memories, Say has written on a wide range of subjects, such as overcoming cultural and physical stereotypes (El Chino); a search for a lost paradise (Lost Lake); a story about agism and aging (Stranger in the Mirror); an exploration of the source of the creative impulse (Emma's Rug); and an adopted child's questions about belonging (Allison). If Trump doesn’t follow through, then I’ll know is just another montage and we’re all being played. RIP Robert,” Travis wrote on Twitter Friday. Alleged Whistleblower Releases Evidence to Make His Claim - Randy Salars News And Comment. I don’t know why others haven’t covered it- but I did. You have “burry” instead of “bury”. They all need to be locked up!!! If you want to be an editor, give the paragraph number and tell me where the typo is, what part of that is difficult to understand? It’s not a coincidence that this is happening on Thursday: America is more important than either party. I find the chance of Seal Team 6 remaining hush about it for 3 months to be quite unlikely. Misspellings in this line: Bidden, Hillary and Biden trusted Iran to get Osmama and keep him there, and they didn’t and that is why Iran bribed him. I hope everyone appreciates the risk you’re taking and the strength and courage it takes to bring this truth to light. FALSE! Fuck Biden, Fuck Democrats and Fuck you. “If it’s said or written, it HAS to be true!” We had better get up and FIGHT NOW before it is completely too late to turn around! He is a very high ranking CIA operative. too many at the top have fallen into their traps and the only way out will either a full awakening by the masses (doubtful) or a revolution/ civil war. Otherwise you and all those Arkancide victims could start a club. This would be, say, at all believable, if the snippets of quotes from this alleged CIA whistleblower weren’t incoherent, disjointed ramblings. Actor and director Alan Alda has starred in several films but is best known for his role as Hawkeye Pierce on the long-running television series 'M*A*S*H.' The important thing is the message it brings us! Don’t you see a pattern here . Allen Say was born in Yokohama, Japan, in 1937. Too many believe every word spoken on the horrendously corrupt MSM, written in newspapers and magazines, as if it is gospel truth! It is time to bring back public hanging for traitors. When he returned to California, he pursued the idea of commercial photography as a career. For the next four years, Say learned to draw and paint under the direction of Noro, who has remained Say's mentor. Those six Navy Seals have been listed on the Clinton “KILL” list for a number of years and I always suspected that they knew something that they shouldn’t. I try to cover it as raw as I can, so people can decide for themselves. “Leon Panetta, whose first job in the administration was to cancel Rigor covert, CIA program to get Osama,” Parrot said. AmericanThinker: Did the U.S. Government Hide bin Laden In Iran? Where we would take things into our own hands. See the update, they are reporting that the documentation has been delivered to a “Congressperson” and media. Any article that is rampant with misspellings is taken MUCH MUCH less seriously. He was visited by his CIA handler while hospitalized for his ESRD in late Summer 2001. Military Tribunals under the Geneva Conventions at OFFSHORE MILITARY INSTALLATIONS and not necessarily US Military Installations. For the next four years, Say learned to draw and paint under the direction of Noro, who has remained Say's mentor. That is great- next time, tell which paragraph.. like 5th, 7th, whatever the number of the paragraph is from the top, and then the way you have that is helpful. In 1988, Lorraine approached Say with a story written by Dianne Snyder, The Boy of the Three-Year Nap, which was a retelling of an old Japanese folktale. They put army’s of terrorists in our citys killing kids and still they walk free . its faith and scripture reminds all that God does put the leaders in their positions. It was a dog and pony show for ignorant, gullible Americans who believe everything the government tells them. Probably because that isn’t how media works anymore. Brave people like you have been known to suddenly commit Arkancide. The last video of him was deleted long ago. …..Who is Barry Soetoro? THERE HAS BEEN A RELASE OF A TRANSCRIPT 10/13, [WATCH] CNN’s Tapper CONFRONTS Biden Campaign: "Nothing Unconstitutional About What The Senate Is Doing”,,, BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof – Family Survival Headlines, BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof – Firearms Life, BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof – Conservative Headline News, BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof – Tea Party USA, BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof – Conservative AMERICA News, BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof – Christian Conservative Daily, CIA Whistleblower Has Proof Of Biden & Hillary Clinton Treason in Seal Team 6 Set Up & Murders – Brutal Proof, realDonaldTrump on Twitter: RT @The171111: Hiden Biden and Obama may have had Seal Team 6 killed! UPDATES 10/13 President Trump retweeted this article. Not to the delusional democrats … THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO WIN , AND STILL THEY WILL WALK FREE. …..How come there was no airplane wreckage at the Pentagon on 911? This piece is heroic, and so are you. OM G T H ERE IS MIRE. © 2020 DJHJ Media | Turbocharged by AdRevv. I find them in major news outlet articles all the time. Say's work brought him in contact with art directors and designers, who were often impressed with his ability to sketch out ideas before committing them to film. The story went nowhere, so maybe they waited till prleople paid more attention, that is, during an election season. So they had no choice but to accept Clinton’s deals. How can these horrendous acts of treason, murder and seditious activity, happen so easily? Good I’m glad the truth is coming out I hope HILLERY, Obama, an Biden are ALL SHOT FOR TREASON!!! I seem to recall Bhutto died shortly afterwards? His death was reported throughout the middle east and even on some news channels in the west. I use the live spelling features as well as strict grammar settings to get rid of typos and poor sentence structure. That says a lot. …..Who is Michelle Obama? This video, of a Tucker Carlson show, appears to confirm some of the details of Parrot’s testimony. I guess the media just did a great job of suppressing it from most! Paul! President Trump retweeted this article this morning. There was no body because OBL died on 12/13/2001 of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Cli ton. Please update when things develop. I find it disheartening that so many Seals can remain quit as we lose our country! You make several good points . The wizard looking guy is actually extremely respected in the middle east. For the next ten years, Say continued to alternate writing and illustrating with his photography. I would rather live with dangerous freedom, than peaceful slavery! So was Seal team 6 shot down on purpose? Seems our side has a media blackout on her and what she discusses. Remember when Obama and Biden claimed they had no idea that there was a need for more security at the Benghazi compound where Ty Woods was killed. None of what the government along with the controlled mass mainstream media tells you is truthful. The rich will walk away free everytime . Afterward, Say enrolled himself at Citrus Union High School, where he was able to continue his studies in art and graduated in 1956. Exactly! He received an Academy Award nomination for his work as Max Cherry in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown. Last month, Allen learned that he has squamous cell carcinoma, a form of lung cancer linked to nicotine intake. Keep up the fight. Lori Allen was born in Georgia USA, on 11 August 1959, so under the zodiac sign of Leo and holding America nationality – she came into the spotlight after beginning to host the “Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta” reality TV show. The Uremic Frost is a terminal finding in ESRD. Probably died back around 2001 from kidney related issues as a result of having Marfan disease. DJHJ Media is an opinion and commentary source for conservatives everywhere. Upon returning to the United States, he pursued photography as a career choice, but was encouraged to explore his illustrations. May HE reveal any evil plans against his servant (Trump) and the Country America – AMEN, I’m sorry but if you actually believe trump was chosen by god to be the president please go see some type of mental help the whole of the MAGA sounds and looks like a cult. Prayers and condolences to his beautiful wife and family. Well, that would mean that the more than 15 member team of Seal Team 6, some of the hardest most patriotic MF’ers in the country KNEW they did not kill Bin Laden and that they knew the country was being lied to without a single one of them coming forward to clear the record or leaking to the press….. In 2000, the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles held the first retrospective of Say's work in children's literature. After racing to keep up with the news cycles and verifying the news is truthful, it is helpful to be able to find the typo quickly. I found a new scratch site at I’ll try that- . THANK YOU FOR REPORTING THE TRUTH, SOMEBODY NEEDS TO!!!! The Bills still control their own destiny in the AFC East, as Allen has been carrying a team that ranks in the middle of the back in both offense and defense. Was his death, and so many others in vain, or for a lie? Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a458ae19e43c3f3594bc39fef8e72999" );document.getElementById("g214f90402").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is something deeply disturbing about him. Finding little satisfaction in painting other people's ideas, he quit, got married, and moved to northern California, where he enrolled in the University of California at Berkeley as an architectural student. and it is worth noting the US Navy SEAL team aboard Extortion 17 had been a different platoon than had carried out the raid that killed Osama bin Laden three months earlier. I understand perfectly! Dads too- but I am a Mom, so my Mom heart is crying. Oh they killed someone the article says, just not Osama, one of his doubles and Iran squirreled him away and thus the obscene payments to Iran, it is a substantially likelier reason than the non reasons to logic least provided by the criminals at the time.
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